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Ironclad is the movie that travel back to the past, the British 13th-century dark and brutal, IRONCLAD will bring us to the most violent period in the history of medieval England - when some great man fought against a very difficult hurdle to defend their country from the megalomaniac, the king's thirst blood. Forgotten by history, a battle which destroyed the castle of Rochester is the true story of honor. There will be bloodshed.
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ADA APA DENGAN POCONG is the new movie that tell of one night Henry terrorized out by Pocong in her kost. Then Hary, Boy and Tedi experience the same thing, even then Tedi be hit by a car, when he pursued terrified pocong so Tedi should be hospitalized.
Movie Info
Director......... : Chiska Doppert
Writer........... : Ule Sulaeman
Genre............ : Horror, comedy
Release.......... : 23 Juni 2011
Cast............. : Zaky Zimah,, Joanna Alexandra, Dallas Pratama, H Bolot, Mpok Atiek, Raymond
Movie Trailer
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PACAR HANTU PERAWAN is the Indonesian movie that tell of Vicky (Vicky Vette), MANDY (Dewi Persik), and MASS (Misa Campo), are brothers by one venter. One day Mandy was saturated to go sightseeing with a friend and manager JOYCE (Natha Narita), and his girlfriend Alex (Rafi Cinoun), into a lush forest. The place was nicknamed the "Hutan Jodoh", because it has a shower that supposedly could bring together mate. Who would ever have to shower the water will quickly get a mate. Joyce himself was found Alex after a ritual bath in that place.
Movie Info
Director......... : -
Writer........... : -
Genre............ : Comedy, Horror
Release.......... : 7 JULI 2011
Cast............. : Dewi Perssik, Olga Syahputra, Jonathan Frizzy, Vicky Vette, Misa Campo
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VIRGIN 3 is the new Indonesian movie who tells about Initially, Dini, Tika, Sherry and Putri only planned to celebrate the Putri last night before his departure to attend school in Melbourne. Top Sherry idea, although they are still a minor, with the help of a photographer Tyo, they finally made it into a very exclusive club. That's where the chaosstarted to happen . Children who have never tried the night life was given a drink, and there are many surprises that await them.
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Director......... : Nayato Fio Nuala
Writer........... : Cassandra Massardi
Genre............ : Drama
Release.......... : 17 Maret 2011
Cast............. : Irish Bella, Alex Abbad, Fero Walandouw, Shapira Indah, Gege Elisa, Ynessa Ioa Gaffar, Raffi Ahmad
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KALUNG JAILANGKUNG is the new Indonesia movie who tells about Kiki and some of his friends to fill a vacation to a village where they are free to play anything there, swim in the river, keep the buffalo etc. But one day, Kiki et Jailangkung play in an old building. Amid the main preoccupation jalangkung, Jalangkung suddenly twitched as he voiced loud and mention that his name Yanti have been murdered by her boyfriend who is not responsible for her pregnancy.
Panic and fear, they fled leaving the old building and the road trip back to the inn, his friends scare Kiki with the Jalangkung accident, they ran and left Kiki alone, Kiki eventually lost to a cemetery. There Kiki finds a necklace, then Kiki using the necklace.
Movie Info
Director......... : Koya Pagayo
Writer........... : Ule Sulaeman
Genre............ : Horror, Comedy, Crime
Release.......... : 2 Februari 2011 (Indonesia)
Cast............. : Zaky Zimah , Soraya Larasati , Rozi Mahally , Remon , Munajat Raditia
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13 CARA MEMANGGIL SETAN is the new Indonesia horror movie who tells about Dilo, Tera (Debby Ayu), Sonya, Essy, Venus and Fredi, was looking for a book at a book stall. Fredi accidentally found a book and similar books without known by his friends he stole the book.
Fredi cs looked confused after seeing the look of books to be empty with no inscription. But when Dilo took it silently from Fredi she found blood incubate command to read the book. Starting from where Fredi cs start often haunted by supernatural beings and even through a dream ..
Movie Info
Director......... : A Liong
Writer........... : Robin
Genre............ : Horror
Release.......... : 7 April 2011
Cast............. : Debby Ayu, Five V, Ki Kusumo, Him Damsyik, Fairly
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ALTITUDE is the new movie who tells about After a mysterious technical problems on the small plane began uncontrollably, novice pilot and four of his friends were trapped in deadly conflict with the presence of supernatural power.
Movie Info
Director....... : Kaare Andrews
Writer......... :Paul A. Birkett
Genre......... : Horror | Mystery | Sci-Fi | Thriller
Release........ : October 18, 2010
Cast............ : Jessica Lowndes, Julianna Guill, Ryan Donowho, Landon Liboiron, Jake Weary, Mike Dopud
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ARWAH GOYANG KARAWANG is the new Indonesian movie who tells about Neneng and Lilis as a star of goyang Karawang. As the prima donna Goyang Karawang, Neneng feel threatened by the return of Lilis in the group, where lilis was a star of Goyang Karawang. By all means Neneng trying to defend his position, what else to achieve the predicate that requires tremendous struggle and sacrifice for Neneng.
Movie Info
Director....... : Helfi Kardit
Writer........ : Team Bintang Timur
Genre........ : Horror
Release....... : Februari 10, 2011
Cast........... : Julia Perez, Dewi Perssik, Erlando, Ajeng Kraton, Bembi Zaenal
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Inspired by a true story, "The Rite" is about the Reverend Michael Kovak (Colin O'Donoghue), who reluctantly attended the exorcism in the Vatican. When he was in Rome, Michael meets an Orthodox priest, Father Lucas (Anthony Hopkins), who introduced him to the dark side of faith, reveals the power of Satan even in one's holiest place on Earth.
Movie Info
Director......... : Mikael Håfström
Writer........... : Mikael Håfström, Matt Baglio
Genre............ : Drama, Horror, Thriller
Release.......... : 28 January 2011 (USA)
Cast............. : Anthony Hopkins, Colin O'donoghue, Alice Braga, Ciaran Hinds, Rutger Hauer
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CEWEK GOKIL is the new Indonesian movie who tells about Keke. Keke (Velove Vexia) no ordinary girl. His brain 'slide' because his head hit one minute after birth. On his head full of ideals and desires, but this time he really tried to get: a MINI COOPER, pretty little car. Anything done by Keke. To be MLM agent and the SPG, and even become a singer.
Movie Info
Director..... : Rizal Mantovani
Writer....... : Ve Handojo
Genre....... : Drama, comedy
Release..... : Januari 20 , 2011
Cast......... : Velove Vexia , Syailendra Soepomo , Enditha Bonacelli , Irina Björklund
Movie Trailer
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Melalui poster film yang atraktif, George Clooney telah berhasil “memanggil” saya untuk kembali menonton aksi fenomenalnya di bioskop lewat film The American. Poster film sederhana bergambar sang aktor tampan yang pernah berperan sebagai Batman dalam film “Batman & Robin” (1997) tersebut berlari dengan pistol di tangan kanan dan latar wajah perempuan dibelakangnya sungguh membawa “pesan” kuat bahwa film yang disutradarai oleh Anton Corbijn ini bakal menawarkan tontonan seru, tegang dan menghibur. Saya tak ragu-ragu lagi masuk ke gedung bioskop dan ingin segera merasakan sensasinya.
Film yang diangkat lewat novel karya Martin Booth berjudul “A Very Private Gentlemen” ini memang memberikan “panggung” spesial buat George Clooney untuk mengeksplorasi kemampuan aktingnya setelah sebelumnya bermain bersama sejumlah artis tenar Hollywood lainnya di film Ocean Eleven (2001), Ocean’s Twelve (204) dan Ocean’s Thirteen (2007). Ada begitu banyak adegan “one man show” George Clooney di film ini yang tetap memancarkan aura kejantanan dan ketampanannya meski usianya sudah tak muda lagi.
George Clooney berperan sebagai Jack, seorang pembunuh bayaran yang akan pensiun dari karirnya di dunia kelam itu. Ia berjanji dalam hati hanya siap melakukan satu tugas lagi dan setelah itu lenyap seterusnya dan menikmati masa istirahat dari uang jerih payahnya selama ini. Semuanya sudah begitu sempurna direncanakan, tapi selalu saja ada hal-hal yang diluar ekspektasi.
Ketika tiba di Italia untuk menunaikan tugas pamungkasnya,Jack menghadapi masalah yang lumayan memusingkan. Saat menunggu pembuatan senjatanya berdasarkan instruksi dari Mathilde (Thekla Reuten) yang misterius, Jack menghabiskan waktu luang di sebuah kota kecil di Italia. Ia berkenalan dan jatuh cinta pada gadis setempat berparas cantik bernama Clara (Violante Placido) sementara kedekatannya pada seorang pastor Father Benedetto (Paolo Bonacelli) disaat yang sama membuka peluang resiko identitasnya sebagai pembunuh bayaran bisa terbuka.
Anda jangan berharap mendapatkan banyak adegan-adegan seru dan aksi spektakuler di film ini. Meskipun begitu, sang sutradara Anton Corbijn begitu piawai mengolah adegan demi adegan film ini sehingga menampilkan ketegangan-ketegangan beruntun yang membuat penonton tak kuasa beranjak dari tempat duduk untuk mengetahui kelanjutan kisah selanjutnya. Anton Corbijn meracik film ini layaknya menggarap sebuah pagelaran seni berkualitas tinggi dengan ritme terukur efektif dan untaian kisah yang tertata apik.
Akting menawan George Clooney sungguh mantap menampilkan keresahan dan ketakutan Jack bahkan pada bayangannya sendiri karena mesti selalu menaruh curiga dan waspada bagi siapapun yang baru dikenalnya, ekspresi panik sekaligus geramnya saat dikejar-kejar oleh musuh, kehandalannya merangkai senjata hingga ungkapan cintanya yang impresif buat Clara. Sebuah film yang cukup pantas jadi pilihan anda untuk melewatkan akhir pekan minggu ini.
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A story taken from a novel titled "Anakluh faced Earth" by Eduart Pesta Sirait
Revolves around the figure of a single parent, Idayu, young, beautiful, smart, interesting. Having two beautiful daughters Mira (23) and Kirei. One day at a concert in JHCC, Idayu met with Nando. From the next meeting with Nando who accidentally Anyway, eventually they found a match in many ways
Openness of communication between Idayu, Mira, Kirei and Nando is very good. Mira began to feel comfortable every discussion and chat with Nando. Mira's like having a companion, friend, as well as a father. Mira Nando admired figure. Clandestinely, she began to find out the figure of Nando. and even daring to meet Nando Mira started in the cafeteria office. And. Mira fell in love with Nando, beloved mother
One night, Mira come clean on Idayu that he had fallen in love with Nando. Until one day Idayu decided relented, leaving Jakarta, chose to work and settle in Bali. Nando who feel failed to hold Idayu certainly hurt and become angry with himself, because he loved Idayu
There was seven full moon has passed Idayu with solitude, in Bali. And that night, Idayu was tasked to meet with clients in Jakarta. Idayu course very happy, because Idayu could well surprise on the Mira, Kirei, and Nando. His arrival in Jakarta this time presents many surprises for Idayu. What surprise? Who will be choosed by Nando, Idayu or Mira?
Movie Info
Director............ : Eduart Pesta Sirait
Production......... :Bomb Creative Production
Genere........... : Drama
Cast............... : Rizky Hanggono, Shara Aryo, Masayu Clara, Suci Winata
Movie Trailer
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GULLIVER'S TRAVELS is the new movie who tells about Lemuel Gulliver worked as guards at the mailroom of a newspaper office in New York. After Gulliver lied about the task of writing about the secret of the Segitita Bermuda, she headed to the island that has never been found, Lilliput. In the new world, the Gulliver is a giant - both body size and egos - especially after he began taking advantage of the greatest discoveries and established itself as a center of attention. Gulliver increasingly important position as he leads his new friends in a battle against their old enemies. But when the Lilliputians Gulliver defeated and put in danger, he must find a way to restore everything to be normal. Gulliver was a true giant among men dwarf when he realized that the most important is how big your heart
Movie Info
Director....... : Rob Letterman
Writer......... : Joe Stillman, Nicholas Stoller
Genre......... : Comedy, adventure, Fantasy
Release........ : 25 December 2010 (USA)
Cast............ : Jack Black, Emily Blunt, Jason Segel, Amanda Peet, Billy Connolly, Catherine Tate
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KHALIFAH is the new Indonesian drama movie who tells about Khalifah (Marsha Timothy), a 23-year-old girl, worked in a beauty salon, who later arranged marriage by her father with a man named Rasyid (Indra Herlambang) marriage ensued because of the Khlifah wanted to help his father and brother. But he was so devoted to her husband. At the beginning of marriage Khalifah began wearing the hijab at the instigation of Rasyid, but it turns out Rasyid embraced the teachings of Islam which "hard". Because an event Rasyid asked the Khalifah to use a veil, for Rashid incident was a warning from Allah to cover the entire body including the genitals in her face. Khalifah also comply with Rasyid request. Although the father Khalifah less agree with the veil she was wearing. Drastic changes experienced by the Khalifah, every person who met looked cynical and even he was branded a terrorist's wife. Meanwhile, a young handsome Caliph neighbor named Yoga (Ben Joshua). Yoga is often observed the Khalifah, he harbored a sense of the Khalifah. Even Yoga was the one who sewed a shirt and veil worn by the Khalifah. Until one day that real life was unfolding Rasyid, Khalifah betrayed by Rasyid.
Movie Info
Director........ : Nurman Hakim
Writer......... : Nurman Hakim
Release........ : Januari 6, 2011
Genere......... : Drama
Cast............. : Marsha Timothy, Ben Joshua, Indra Herlambang, Jajang C.noer, Titi Sjuman, Yoga Pratama, Dion Wiyoko, Brohisman
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